“ In Western Europe , banks are closing regional branches and removing cash services from a large cohort of their remaining branch network , which will reduce the availability of cash in society ”
Kealan Lennon CEO , CleverCards �
FinTech community poll from Linkedin
With some bank branches closing down for good , what is your response ?
8 %
Branches are still superior
“ We attracted investment without promising any AI or ML . VCs look for good opportunities ”
Robert Hartley ACII and co-founder , Dinghy �
“ Growing globalisation , organisations that can benefit from this technology ”
39 % of fintech industry deals take place outside the US ,
the UK , and China
46 % of people exclusively use digital channels to manage their
92 %
I prefer online banking
80 that ’ s the number of fintech unicorns globally as of February 2021
Did you know Over 50 % of Social Fintechs globally are located in Africa . The second and third most popular locations for Social Fintech are North and South America .
10 April 2021