FinTech Magazine - April 2021 | Page 26


Agile insurance broker builds vibrant future for global clients with virtual engagement through the pandemic

By definition , insurance is financial protection from uncertainty . The uncertainty of the global pandemic has made businesses and individuals much more risk averse .

While our outlook to taking out insurance may have changed due to the effects of COVID-19 , NFP ’ s timely digital transformation has armed their employees to successfully work remotely within the new business landscape and helped them engage with clients around the world .
“ I think there is now an appreciation for protecting yourself against risks that you may not foresee ,” said Mike Goldman , President and Chief Operating Officer of NFP , speaking from their offices in New York City .
NFP is regarded as a growth company driven by its ability to attract high-performing firms , expand their community and be a catalyst to elevate value for their clients . It prides itself on having a personal touch and makes it clear they ‘ start the conversations that create a more secure future for everyone ’.
As a leading insurance broker NFP specialises in property and casualty , corporate benefits , retirement and individual solutions and continuously empowers businesses to ‘ build from their foundations to grow and flourish ’.
Founded in 1998 NFP has offices in the United States , Canada , Europe and Puerto Rico with teams specialising in all industries
Mike Goldman
26 April 2021