FinTech Magazine August 2019 | Page 76

Automate Everything , Cloudify Everything , Transform Customer Experience

Leading Transformation Initiatives for Global Insurers

Insurers around the globe currently face unprecedented challenges : interest rates jeopardize life business , insuretechs disrupting the non-commercial markets , user expectations of new customer generations clash with most monolithic operating and selling models of traditional insurers , to name a few . However , also a large amount of insurers comprehend this almost stuck situation as a chance : creating a total new customer experience through embedded mobile solutions and next-gen products , fully renovating the core insurance systems and processes , connecting the new eco systems into the legacy world via API strategies and gaining back agility through massive ( robotics based ) automatization and cloud first strategy all across infrastructure , applications and even business processes .
Together with almost 20 insurers of all sizes around the globe Hexaware has innovated and helped its customers achieving significant both top-line as well as bottom-line improvements , leapfrogging