FinTech Magazine - August 2021 | Page 48



Modern Era of ' No Expenses ' with TripActions Liquid ™
That shift to a more remote workforce also hastened change on the payments and expense side of the business , says Gandhi . “ We recognized the acceleration of digital payments and the need to capture both travel and non-travel spend in real time .”
After all , a distributed and remote workforce requires employees to shift their spend to spot purchasing transactions ( for things like office supplies and digital subscriptions ) and make more business spend decisions on their own . CFOs and controllers want to give their employees the ability to make these decisions without losing control and visibility over where and why employees are spending .
This remote workforce will also expand travel spend scenarios for trips like headquarter visits or team meetings . “ You have employees like engineers who almost never travelled pre-pandemic , who are now going to be flying three to four times in a year ,” says Gandhi , “ and they will need to book flights , stay in hotels , take Lyfts , buy food , drinks , and go out on team outings . That ' s a big shift that finance teams need to think about .”
The launch of TripActions Liquid These were just some of the goals for TripActions Liquid TM — a fintech solution purpose-built for enabling spending to happen digitally , seamlessly , and without putting the company at risk .
The larger goals of TripActions Liquid have been focused on two areas that are especially important to finance teams right now : saving time and saving money . Digital payments can reduce the time it takes for finance teams to review and reconcile spend manually , says Gandhi , so they can focus on strategies to drive the business forward .
TripActions Liquid is also an essential tool for tracking where spend is happening . CFOs and controllers are hyper-focused on ensuring that there is clear visibility on
48 August 2021