digital insurance product offerings for verticals such as banks , fintechs , super apps , ecommerce retailers , mobility companies , travel , mobile network operators and more . Lazaro ’ s team collaborated with Grab , Southeast Asia ' s leading superapp providing users with transportation , food delivery and digital payment services , to provide Grab users with an innovative insurance solution called Ride Cover .
Ride Cover provides complimentary personal accident insurance to Grab ’ s passengers and disburses a voucher in the event of a delayed pickup . Available in Singapore , Malaysia , Indonesia , Vietnam , the Philippines and Thailand , Ride Cover is opt-in and integrated into the passenger ’ s ride booking journey within the Grab App . For a very low fee ( e . g . S $ 0.30 in Singapore ), passengers are offered a premium service with additional protection in the event of accidents .
They have also partnered with other innovators such as NuBank , the largest neobank in Latin America , to launch a fully digital life insurance offering embedded in the bank ’ s app . “ Together with Nubank , we created customer-friendly life insurance with a flexible product and a price that resonates with the Latin American emerging middle class . It was reported that , in the first year , we sold more than half a million life insurance policies , more than half of those who bought the product said it was the first life insurance they had taken out ,” he states .
Other partners include Dacadoo and Betterfly , as well as other major players in Latin America , Korea , and Southeast Asia , all creating value-adding services to the end users that extend beyond the traditional insurance . “ We like to co-create to develop those unique experiences at scale ,” says Lazaro . “ One of our core strengths is that ,
as an international company , we partner with companies that have a vision beyond their unique markets .”
Lazaro says Chubb creates unique value propositions – from selling to claims experiences . “ We see everything as a whole . We are proud of our journey and partnering with the best-in-class partners that we have . It has helped us improve our services from the product and technology perspectives .”
Growing services in the pandemic Like many providers , Chubb ’ s digital business expanded during the pandemic because the demand for digital services skyrocketed . “ For
34 August 2022