“ I think the key overall to Mission is diversification . Each of our series are working on different aspects of the property and casualty space . What makes us stronger is the diversification of those lines that the series are doing , as well as the diversification of the capacity that ' s providing that ”
“ I think the key overall to Mission is diversification . Each of our series are working on different aspects of the property and casualty space . What makes us stronger is the diversification of those lines that the series are doing , as well as the diversification of the capacity that ' s providing that . So when we are looked at as an entity and the health of that entity , there ' s no one series , there ' s no one line and there ' s no one capacity contributor that could bring Mission trouble .”
The right talent critical to ensuring success Like many areas of the insurance industry , talent is incredibly important to Mission . The teams themselves are led by individuals who were relatively senior in their past firms but didn ’ t have progression , often because they were prevented from climbing the career ladder by immovable line managers who had been there for years .
They bring their own underwriting expertise with them and , in return , Mission provides the support and technology to enable them to launch . It ’ s a marriage of those two things that allows the system to be successful .
2021 Year founded 86