“ The core things that I want to make sure we accomplish from a technology perspective are speed , flexibility , and data quality . We have diversity in our partners and our programmes , and we need to make sure the tools that we use are flexible enough to meet each of their needs .”
When they sat down and looked at those requirements , it became obvious to Mission that a cloud-based SaaS solution made the most sense . It ’ s nimble , allowing Mission to move quickly , and draws on the microservices and API exchanges within that ecosystem to allow Mission ’ s programmes to get into business quickly .
“ I ’ m not looking to recreate the wheel ,” Williams quips . “ We want them to be able to operate out of a single integrated policy admin system and that everything is cohesive , so they aren ' t having to go to disparate systems . Data governance , and understanding its value , is important . That way we can provide more qualitative data and help our programmes monitor the performance of their business .”