FinTech Magazine December 2019 | Page 47

environment and inclusivity , and ideas around gender roles and equality .
The latter is an important area for Davies . Last year ’ s Money20 / 20 in Las Vegas saw the launch of Rise Up , a curated leadership academy for aspiring female talent in the financial services sector that provides a four-day programme in personal leadership and development . Through this , Rise Up provides a connected network within which women can support one another , and gain the personal and professional skills to break down the remaining barriers in an industry that is still lagging in terms of inclusivity .
One year on , Davies was able to reflect on a programme that has already achieved considerable success . “ We set out to create something that had real impact ,” she told us . “ There are many great initiatives out there , but the goal for Rise Up was to work closely with each cohort to build a very deep , personal leadership development programme – and it ’ s worked .” In just 12 months , 125 women have passed through Rise Up , with close to one third of the 2018 cohort taking on more senior positions . And while she recognised the many similar programmes currently operating , Davies spoke of the real impact on those Rise Up women , noting that “ they feel inspired , they feel they ’ ve met their tribe and there is a real collective sense of ‘ we can do this ’.”
Inclusivity , on a broader level , continues to grow in importance – an agenda that global events such as Money 20 / 20 can lead . For Davies , the positive attitude shift is both notable and
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