FinTech Magazine - December 2022 | Page 53

to brands and bring full-service banking suites into brands that might not normally otherwise know they need a bank . And one of those that ' s been in the market for over two years is T-Mobile MONEY , a BaaS offering that BMTX runs for T-Mobile .”
High-profile partnership with T-Mobile One of BMTX ’ s most high-profile partnerships involves it providing a unique , turnkey solution to mobile carrier T-Mobile for its T-Mobile MONEY app . A common theme of its client relationships is how BMTX manages to remove the legwork from the services it enables : in the case of T-Mobile MONEY , it deploys the application , owns the end-to-end VPO and owns all the user experience and back-office functions too . This

“ There ' s a new era upon us where financial services and banking functions will be embedded within your favourite brands ”

JAMIE DONAHUE CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER , BM TECHNOLOGIES ( BMTX ) meant the lead times on the T-Mobile project were longer by BMTX ’ s standards , because it had to create a purposebuilt app for them , but generally the company can go from introduction to implementation in as little as 90 days .
During this time , BMTX ’ s team act as a steadying , reassuring presence . It ’ s just as well , because although they may have a clear picture of what front-end functionality they would like to offer their customers , prospective clients would struggle to roll out banking services without BMTX ’ s knowhow and support .
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