USA large enterprises ,” he notes . “ This is where Wipro comes in and says , ‘ Hey , let us help you embrace some of these outside innovations and bring it in house for you to see if it works ’.”
Secondly , Mahesh believes start-ups are often too narrow in their focus when compared with the broad digital transformation agendas set by the CEOs and other C-level executives of larger organizations . Additionally , he observes that smaller operations tend to lack the deep domain knowledge in areas of compliance and legality while also falling short in the resource to focus on long-term solution viability .
“ These barriers affect the success of the collaboration between established companies and start-ups ,” he adds . “ Start-ups also find it difficult to navigate the vast corporate structures and processes of the established companies to reach the right audience for the solutions they have .
“ For lack of a better term , Wipro is trying to be a partner that helps bring these fears into the same ecosystem by trying the ‘ balance ’ option . We have deep experience in working with complex organizational structures and satisfying the stringent requirement of these functions .”
“ We also have a lot of domain and functional experience and expertise that has been built
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