FinTech Magazine February 2019 | Page 52


If there are complex problems , we like to solve them with simple solutions .” This has long been a passion for Ashok Suppiah , CEO and co-founder of tech startup Mitra Innovation , which aims to assist businesses of all shapes and sizes with their digital transformation journeys – with finance being a key area of disruption today .

Suppiah previously worked for the now NASDAQ-listed Medusa Corporation , which he joined alongside the CEO when it was a ‘ basement operation ’. At the time ,
52 Suppiah and Medusa helped clients progress from Unix to Microsoft Windows , bringing in 100 customers over five years , and even raising $ 40mn in venture capital after the dot-com bubble burst . Following this , Suppiah worked for several more startups with varying levels of success , which allowed him to pursue his passion for innovation – and Mitra which he joined two years ago has been no exception . “ At startups , I was able to bring in simplicity which a lot of large corporates aren ’ t able to action due to various issues ,” he explains . “ I ’ m more about innovation – how can we simplify complex problems for all the customers , users and employees ? If you have to click 10 times to do