FinTech Magazine February 2024 | Page 14

Along with our people , I am highly driven by the ability to leave a lasting impression through the success of our customers . This ties back to our broader scope and how Amdocs can drive innovation throughout the financial services industry and better serve our customers .
Amdocs is a powerful partner to these companies in the sense that it has both the scale to make impactful projects , but also the ability to serve our people , our clients , and most importantly , their end customers .
When put all together , this is what drives me to succeed in my role and pour passion into my work .
Q . On to the serious stuff , do you think fintech can facilitate the banking needs of all future generations ? How entrenched will the industry become in 10 years ?

» Fintech companies on a global scale have found effective ways to simplify the client experience , making banking more accessible and tailored to individual needs .

You cannot expect the Baby Boomer generation to have the same level of technology savvy as Gen Z , and fintech has successfully enabled personalised mobile banking capabilities that can work for any client demographic – a need that has never been more apparent .
For example , Amdocs has found in its own 2023 Personal Banking Survey that 39 % of households with children under 21 believe their bank does not currently offer the right tools for planning their kids ’ future .
This is a tremendous opportunity to better serve parents ’ needs . Of course , we are still in the developmental years , but over time I do believe we can continue to refine digital banking products to best serve a wide range of customers - both for generations now and for those that are still to come .
We ’ ve already begun to see the lasting impact of fintech on the banking industry in recent years : take Banking-as-a-Service ( BaaS ) as an example .
14 February 2024