FinTech Magazine January 2024 | Page 141

around 2012 . This was when credit risk issues became particularly pronounced and Mikic found herself undertaking missions that took her from one country to another , focusing on enhancing and managing asset quality . Her journey spanned from the Czechia to various countries in the region , including Bulgaria , and Moldova , before ultimately landing in Romania .
“ About eight years ago , the word ‘ crisis ’ had redefined the meaning when it came to credit risk ,” Mikic explains . “ When this was resolved and the risk management job became quite boring , they moved me to digital transformation because the bank hadn ’ t invested a lot of time in the resources to follow the digitalisation trends .
“ So , in the last three years , I ’ ve been in charge of all projects which have the main goal of digitising the banking offer , bank on distance , remote banking , digital banking , and all the digital safe channels . But also , the downsizing of the physical distribution network , meaning the branches and digitalising processes within them , in order to downsize and optimise the operating expense .”
The dawn of digital transformation The adoption of digitisation has enabled banks to harness the potential of data analytics and AI in order to enhance their decision-making processes and provide a more personalised service to clients . Through the collection and analysis of customer data , banks can customise their offerings to align precisely with the unique requirements of each individual customer .
In order to better serve its customer base , all of Société Générale ’ s businesses are continuously working to ramp up their digital transformation , in particular by adopting data processing and AI technologies .
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