FinTech Magazine January 2024 | Page 148

Director of Finance and Technology at Make-a-Wish UK , Sarah Watson , brings passion and expertise to the charitable growth and social impact challenges

Director of Finance and Technology at Make-a-Wish UK , Sarah Watson , brings passion and expertise to the charitable growth and social impact challenges

Sit with this point for a moment : “ We granted 1,200 wishes for critically ill children last year . We estimate that we ’ d need to grant between 6,000-8,000 wishes every year to reach every child ”. This is the importance of scale at Make-a-Wish UK in the words of its Director of Finance & Technology Sarah Watson .

If the resources were available , the organisation could achieve its vision of a wish for every eligible child .
This is one of the key points to highlight the importance of her position within the charity , and the need for its team to innovate and deliver new ways of working . Not only does this require monetary support , but information and guidance as to how Make-a-Wish UK can journey into the digital era and reap the benefits of everything technology has to offer .
While this is something of a hot topic at Make-A-Wish UK , there is still so much more the charity can do to ensure that all eligible children experience the magic of a wish , having missed out on new experiences , significant moments with their families , and other key aspects of childhood .
Summarised beautifully by Watson herself : “ A wish brings magic , hope , and that real sense of childhood , because when a child ’ s diagnosed with a critical illness , the world says ‘ no ’ to them . It ’ s ‘ no ’ to parties , activities , and friendships .
148 January 2024