“ We wanted to build something that was a virtual marketplace that a wish could ask for what it needed ”
by technology ,” Watson says . “ We are looking at design , making sure that privacy is embedded by design , ensuring that all the processes that can be are seamlessly integrated with changes that users want to see .”
Salesforce became the platform that led Make-a-Wish UK down an operational route inspired by commerce as Watson explains the approach to building a ‘ virtual marketplace for wishes ’. To enable this approach to be successful , the charity is building a network of individuals and organisations that support wishes aligned to its values – these are to be magical , inclusive and inspiring .
Sophia ’ s wish is to have lots of chocolate
Unorthodox systems for a unique organisation “ A big part of the transformation was also thinking about how to embed a stock management system into Salesforce and actually almost commoditise a wish , which sounds like a really strange thing to say . All that meant was , if we know that a child wants to be an elf or they want to be Spiderman for the day , there ’ s going to be certain things in that wish that are common . Potentially what they want to be is different , but there will be certain things that are the same ,” says Watson .
She continues : “ We wanted to build something that was a virtual marketplace that a wish could ask for what it needed so that someone who was at home , you could sit there and say , do you know what ? I ’ ve got a horse and carriage on my drive .
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