FinTech Magazine January 2024 | Page 70


Will Wright , Santander International COO , on Supporting Communities Through Innovation

What ’ s more , the other big benefit for Santander International is the ability to gain a deeper understanding than ever before of its customers and potential customers .
Wright adds : “ The Work Café team is there to get that feedback and listen to people who are interested in Santander International as a brand .”
Building operational models around technology While deploying industry-leading tech platforms at a firm like Santander International is key , in some ways it is the easy decision , says Wright .
The bigger challenge is ensuring the business is ready for adoption and can engage in configuring and building operational models around technology . Wright thinks about operational models in two ways , firstly considering the model under which customers are served and encouraging staff to keep the customer in mind .
He explains : “ I ’ ve had a relatively long career and I ’ ve seen many , many times a tech project start with the assumption that you just lift an existing operational model into a digitised model . That normally leads to poor customer outcomes .
“ I definitely encourage project teams to start by considering the customer and thinking about the operational model that would work best in terms of what we ’ re delivering .”
Wright ’ s second angle is to ensure teams supporting tech platforms on a day-to-day
70 January 2024