FinTech Magazine July 2023 | Page 69

a lot of different ways . One day I might work with marketing , and the next tackling an IT problem or operational procedure . This really appeals to my curiosity about how banks operate .
“ Then there ’ s the community aspect : talking with businesses , hearing the problems they ’ re trying to solve , and helping them make connections . The duality of growing the bank and community side-byside very much appeals to me .
“ I don ’ t like to pretend that I think people at larger institutions are pigeonholed into a particular area , but , as a business grows , that need for specialisation really drives in . So at larger banks , you don ’ t get to touch on all the different parts of an organisation that you do at a community bank .”
The chance to serve the local agriculture industry alongside F & M ’ s desire to grow the bank sold Driest “ on the path forward and the future of where the bank wants to go ”. Committed to F & M ’ s mission statement , which has been operating for 115 years and is building for the next 115 years , Driest relishes the responsibility and variety that working with a community bank entails .
“ I had picked up the knowledge around the backend systems that F & M Bank was using from a previous bank I worked at . This gave me comfort and familiarity in knowing what is possible , and I am interested in the analytical side of the business and the creative side .
“ When you ’ re at a smaller organisation , people wear a lot of different hats and you get to roll up your sleeves and contribute in
A place for community banking in the digital age The human touch of a community bank is not just constrained to its back office either . As Driest notes , creating a digital yet human experience is of prime importance to F & M ’ s growth . He says : “ Digital outreach becomes important as a bank grows . We ’ ve added in some sophistication and new capabilities for our customers that have helped strengthen our community relationship .
“ We have a good view here that the future is technology and people — that ’ s what is going to win the day , not one or the other . I was recently speaking to a customer who got so frustrated when trying to contact a large bank because it was all chatbots and AI , there was no way for them to contact customer service to troubleshoot their issue . At a community bank like F & M , you get to speak to an actual human , and I think customers appreciate it if there is someone there to talk to when there are issues .
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