FinTech Magazine - June 2023 | Page 41

Agility is one thing that Saphyre prides itself on , and if you want an analogy , you are not going to be disappointed . “ We move much faster than the generally accepted pace of things ,” says Stephen . “ We ' re like a speedboat doing several runs around a large cruise ship or oil tanker .”
Market forces are also , in a way , playing into the company ’ s hands – with turmoil in the US banking sector , ongoing geopolitical tensions , and inflation spiking globally , to name just a few pain points . In periods of uncertainty , technology and innovation have a serious role to play , and a solution like Saphyre could prove instrumental .
Saphyre has been nominated for numerous industry awards , and Gabino has emerged as a consequential fintech influencer .
They were nominated for Fintech of the Year by Global Custodian magazine and won the highly coveted award in May 2023 . They have also been featured by Forbes and the Wall Street Journal , while being regular faces on the cover of FinTech
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