FinTech Magazine March 2024 | Page 100

Khang adds : “ We were in a high growth phase preceding the COVID-19 pandemic . What was great is that , despite the circumstances of an economic downturn , we were still able to deliver positive figures during the pandemic .
“ Showing resilience throughout this cycle of lockdown , and more importantly , our ability to influence our people to keep a balance between short-term obstacles and long-term transformation was a real marker of our success .”
Home Credit Vietnam : A digital transformation journey While Home Credit Vietnam is a widespread name in the Vietnamese market , it ’ s important to remember it was only founded in 2008 – in operation for the past 15 years .
“ We ’ ve onboarded 15 million customers in that time ,” notes Khang .
“ The population of Vietnam is around 100 million , so we ’ ve been able to onboard 23 % of the adult population , a huge feat to achieve in just 15 years of operation .”
Home Credit Vietnam has been able to achieve this by developing a wide point-ofsale ( POS ) network nationwide .
This is something Khang accredits to the firm ’ s establishment of many partners , “ with key accounts , key retailers and key dealers on one side , but also with a strong sales network of employees , over 3,000 strong , on the other side ”.
Partnering with FPT . AI One such key partnership Home Credit Vietnam leverages is its relationship with FPT .
100 March 2024