FinTech Magazine March 2024 | Page 47


“ It ’ s not a case of security being burdensome , but instead part of your daily routine ”

“ Once malicious forces socially engineer our customers and they become very trustworthy , our customers may hand over the keys to their accounts – in other words , account takeover ,” outlines Adjei-Ampofo .
“ There is this term ‘ pig butchering ’, where cyber criminals are constantly feeding the customer information to build that trust to the point where they hand over those assets .
“ It ’ s very difficult to monitor , but we ’ ve done a good job to bring it down with the tools we have . So , when you log into our platform we know where you ’ re coming from and who you are from slight changes in the way our system is being used .”
Then there is the prospect of managing insider threats .
Adjei-Ampofo goes on to explain that Uphold ’ s front door is “ pretty much secure ” from a security perspective , without ever being able to truly guarantee 100 % security . The people with the “ golden keys ” in this scenario are Uphold ’ s own employees , which presents the firm ’ s cyber experts with a delicate balancing act .
Adjei-Ampofo adds : “ The balance of making sure you allow employees to freely operate and do their jobs , while protecting the company , is a challenge , because one careless mistake could really have detrimental effects and compromise all your front-door controls .”
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