a more strategic long-term approach rather than focusing on just short-term profits . You occasionally see that distinction in family-run businesses as well , Leurs points out .
Over time , the cooperative ’ s main priorities have evolved , even while its focus on food and agri have remained the same . Today , Rabobank has its eyes firmly set on deepset social issues that affect all of society – including food security and energy security .
How can banking have a positive impact on society ? According to the United Nations ’ Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ), food security remains one of the most pressing concerns in today ’ s world . Its latest update , published at the end of 2022 , lays bare the issues facing the global food supply chain :
“ Malnutrition in all its forms remains a challenge , and child malnutrition , in particular , is expected to be higher due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic ,” the FAO writes .
The report continues : “ Climate change poses the greatest threat to rural small-scale producers , particularly poor and vulnerable communities . This pressure comes through increasingly frequent extreme weather events such as droughts , storms , and floods , as well as gradual changes such as shorter rainy seasons , delayed onset of rain , rising sea levels , and melting glaciers .”
Facing this complex combination of risk factors , it ’ s clear to see why food producers and other stakeholders within the food supply chain need financing from a reliable partner like Rabobank . “ We are the biggest
32 May 2023