FinTech Magazine - November 2022 | Page 76

a high velocity of these transactions , it becomes a huge burden to your accounts receivable team .
“ The industry has caused a lot of that market confusion because there are so many different products and technologies that are being thrown at them , but they ’ re not a payments business . Their business is doing whatever their business does , so they get confused .”
As a result , Boost Payment Solutions has been dedicating a large part of its time towards educating customers about the various options available to them , helping them to separate the important things from the noise . With more payment solutions constantly coming online – both within B2B and B2C – that noise can become deafening without the right guidance .
“ Our ears are our most powerful asset ,” Leavitt says . The process of onboarding any new client begins by listening to their story . In any new customer conversation , Boost Payment Solutions is trying to unearth the problems that a prospective customer is facing , as well as where they are going as a business and what problems they are likely to encounter in the future . All of those considerations affect the solution that Boost will eventually build .
“ The first thing we do is listen . We listen , we ask questions , we pay attention very carefully to those answers and we dig deeper to make sure that , before we ' re in a position to make any recommendations , we understand what ' s truly going on in that organisation .”
The challenges facing enterprise-level businesses What Boost hears in that initial conversation has the potential to set the direction for an entire customer relationship for years to come . In many ways , it ’ s like technological
76 November 2022