Yet in B2B payments , every region has dramatically different circumstances that need to be accounted for . Boost ’ s customer base covers a broad mix of markets – markets like Western Europe , that are less mature than the US in terms of adopting commercial card use and acceptance ; then there are countries like Brazil , which have their own ways of delivering funds that lead to merchants and suppliers waiting up to 30 days for a card transaction in some cases . Other regions are entirely embryonic with respect to utilising a card product to make or receive a commercial payment .
“ We have more than 50 % of the Fortune 100 that either make payments through us or receive payments from us ”
In order to understand these local requirements and differences in culture , Boost Payment Solutions has ‘ boots on the ground ’ in many of the regions where it is active – including the US and Canada , Mexico , Brazil , Australia , the UK , France and Belgium . It ’ s something that Leavitt says he wouldn ’ t go without : “ It ' s really important to understand those idiosyncrasies between regions , and have people locally so you can truly understand what the issues are , what the pain points are , what the friction is , and what the needs are of the businesses in that region .”
Boost focusing on acceleration and expansion Looking forward to the future , Leavitt says : “ I think if you fast forward several years from now , you ' re going to see a very different