FinTech Magazine - November 2022 | Page 81

continue to focus on accelerating its impressive growth curve and get back to normality following the COVID-19 pandemic . Prior to 2020 , Boost had been going live in a couple of new regions every quarter , and Leavitt is hopeful that they can now return to that sort of rhythm .
“ We ' re maniacally focused on growth right now ,” Leavitt continues . “ We have made some strategic shifts over the last couple of years . We have verticalised our entire organisation , categorising all of our suppliers into one or more verticals . We ' ve also realigned our revenue generation team to be vertical-based , because we have found that , in order to properly serve both the broader enterprise-level B2B community and these specific verticals , you have to also be verticalised and align with them .
“ That ' s a big change that we ' re in the midst of undergoing . It augments everything else we do . We ' re continuing to go down every other path that we ' ve been going down for 14 years , but that ' s a big shift , and we ' re already seeing the positive impacts of that strategy .”
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