FinTech Magazine October 2020 | Page 14


“ When it comes to helping businesses , I ’ ve always started from the beginning and then gone on to see how we can scale businesses ”

— Charles D . Carey , Managing Partner , CIG Capital always started from the beginning and then gone on to see how we can scale . That ’ s how I got into the finance world ; I focused on how to help businesses , not just on the funding side , but with support too .” Believing that leadership means more than simply ‘ status ’, Carey takes a proactive approach and an indiscriminate attitude when it comes to helping clients achieve their best , regardless of the project ’ s scale or subject . “ That ’ s really what gives me an advantage : I believe in a set of principles and I don ’ t change them , no matter what the product or sector is .” Treating everyone from renowned business leaders to up-and-coming startup CEOs with the same level of respect , CIG Capital strives to foster each project ’ s individual journey .
This aspect , which has been termed ‘ 100 % funding ’, is ultimately what helps differentiate CIG Capital from its competitors . Rather than simply fund one stage of a project ’ s development , the company opts to provide the capital stack with one loan capable of sufficiently covering any seed money , equity or short-term debt . This subsequently allows CIG Capital to