FinTech Magazine October 2020 | Page 17

crucial . Automated data streams and analytical capabilities are gaining traction in several data-rich industries , yet the widespread application of these technologies remains diffuse . In this aspect , he reasons , larger companies should take note of fintechs in the space , which generally have a more sophisticated understanding of modern tech , or else face technological irrelevancy . For its part , CIG Capital boasts one of the fastest underwriting models in the modern industry , with seven project elements measured to obtain a unique score which subsequently informs the terms of each individual venture . However , despite this , Carey insists that half the battle to improve modern investment actually lies in adopting new cultural frameworks . “ In terms of modernization , investors need to change the way they address funding . I ’ m an entrepreneur : I love to teach and provide a message that will solve problems . Finance is just a tool , and although it ’ s an important tool , you don ’ t need to be an expert . All you need to know is , ‘ What ’ s the 17


Title : Managing Partner Location : Michigan , United States
Industry : Financial Services
As the ‘ tried and tested ’ methods give way to digitally-enhanced , flexible and data-driven operations , Charles D . Carey , Managing Partner of CIG Capital , is emblematic of the new guard that is seeking to overturn prior conceptions of best-practice in investment . A serial entrepreneur since his early twenties , Carey has held a considerable number of executive positions at companies within the technology , finance and healthcare sectors , in addition to founding two of his own : Venture 101 ( 2010 ) and CIG Capital ( 2011 ). fintechmagazine . com