CBD Digi Account
CBD Digi Account
many people think . “ There ’ s always a lot of talk about everything that ’ s going on in the market . However , I ’ d say , in recent years , technology has been far more ‘ evolutionary ’ than ‘ disruptive ’,” that is to say : it has been maturing and better applying emerging tech rather than creating new paradigms entirely . Part of the reason for this lies in banking ’ s status as a highly regulated industry , but the other is a direct result of a core technology : cloud . “ If you look at the big platform providers – Google , Amazon , Microsoft , etc – the number of capabilities they ’ ve integrated into their cloud platforms is mind-boggling ,” continues Kimmel . “ Regardless of whether it was AI ( artificial intelligence ), DevOps , or any other cutting-edge technology , it would have previously taken large investments spread over several years to develop . Now , everything is an API ( application programming interface ) and you can just plug it in ; you ’ re not stuck with a 10-year-old infrastructure , you can literally just switch one API for another .”
CBD is a bank wholly committed to lean and agile thinking in its tech infrastructure , but Kimmel knows that
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