FinTech Magazine October 2023 | Page 19

the office , he is passionate about history and fascinated by antiques , collecting old items and artefacts that – much like Papara – have their own story to tell .
“ These pieces connect me to the people who lived before us and remind me of the journey of humanity ,” he says . “ It ’ s like uncovering hidden chapters of our world ’ s story and feeling a sense of kinship with those who came before .”
So what of the founder experience – and more pointedly , which does he prefer : overseeing a billion-dollar unicorn in modern-day Papara , or leading a plucky startup like the Papara of yesteryear ? “ Both scenarios have their own allure and challenges ,” he admits .
“ Bootstrapping a young startup is exhilarating due to the raw creativity that ’ s required and the sense of building something from the ground up . On the other hand , leading a billion-dollar fintech brings a different level of responsibility and impact . It ’ s about steering a wellestablished ship toward even greater achievements . Ultimately , I find fulfilment in both , as they offer unique opportunities for growth and innovation .”
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