FinTech Magazine October 2023 | Page 55


“ By partnering with the right fintech infrastructure providers , community banks are now upgrading their core systems and building new digital propositions ”

PHILLIP O ’ NEILL FINANCIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR , EUROPE , KIN + CARTA large , and as community-owned ventures , they are only as large as the funds their members put in .
Though community banks may play second-fiddle to national and international banking institutions , recently , community banks have seen an uptick in growth .
This is according to a Wipfli survey , which found that 77 % of community banking leaders expect to see 5 % growth in 2023 , despite a report from S & P Global anticipating a fall in community bank earnings in 2023 of 22.6 %.
Amid economic uncertainty , with the aftermath of COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine leading to the collapse of significant world banks – Silicon Valley Bank ( SVB ) and Credit Suisse included – why do things look seemingly on the up for community banks ?
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