FinTech Magazine October 2023 | Page 97


The crypto industry has grown from a relatively low baseline to one of the biggest and most disruptive trends in financial services in a short period of time . Because of how nascent this technology is , it ’ s difficult to contextualise the industry ’ s rapid burst of growth .

So what exactly does the future hold in store for crypto , and how far can the technology go ?
Let ’ s start with the numbers . Various research reports show that cryptocurrency ownership today sits at about 200-300 million people , with Vietnam often touted as the most mature market when it comes to crypto adoption .
According to Allied Market Research , the value of the cryptocurrency market is predicted to treble by 2030 , reaching a value of almost US $ 5bn . The main drivers will be remittances and global payments , Allied says .
So there is the proof , if any were needed , that cryptocurrency is going to continue to grow and become one of the central aspects of our financial lives in the future .
But what exactly does Crypto 2050 look like ? Will we be paying for goods on a daily basis using virtual coins ? Will cryptocurrencies be a cross-generational concept , as easily understood by young adults and their grandparents alike , or will it be the preserve of the tech-savvy ?
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