FinTech Magazine October 2024 | Page 24

enough that they can serve more people , while also having a product that can easily link up the chain .
For example , when we first started with the Change Account , we were probably the only player in the UK , maybe even the world , where we had lockable wallets on the product . This allowed users to protect priority payments like rates and rent , preventing them from being spent on a Friday night after too many drinks . That same technology can be used for highnet-worth individuals to manage different currencies , including fiat and crypto .
Q . HOW DOES SAASCADA ADDRESS THE “ NOT ON MY WATCH ” MENTALITY OF SENIOR MANAGERS Steve Round : Both Nelson and I are slightly crazy because you have to be . Anyone who wants to try and change the world and the planet has to be slightly crazy , enthusiastic and pretty naive because everyone ’ s telling you , ‘ you can ’ t do it ’.
One of the challenges in the banking fraternity is the post-banking crash introduction of the senior manager certification regime , which makes directors more accountable . This has made decision-making on core banking particularly scary , especially for nonexecutive directors .
As a business , we ’ re trying to alleviate some of that concern , not only through our technology but also through our thought leadership . We ’ re also highlighting that doing nothing is not an option – banks will lose business if they don ’ t innovate .
Our key message is that coexistence isn ’ t as risky as not doing anything at all . It ’ s about giving comfort and sharing experience . Having sat around board tables , I know what some of those conversations are like . It ’ s a challenge , but doing nothing is no longer an option .
We ’ re focused on providing reassurance , leveraging our experience and demonstrating that the risks of inaction far outweigh the risks of adopting new technologies and approaches .
Q . IF YOU WERE TRAPPED ON A DESERT ISLAND WITH THREE PEOPLE , WHO WOULD THEY BE AND WHY ? Nelson Wootton : I initially considered choosing Bear Grylls , but I thought , ‘ Well , everyone is going to pick him and he might be a bit of a pain to spend time with ’. So , I decided to go with Ray Mears instead , as I believe he would be easier to get along with . He would be in charge of ensuring we are fed and watered !
For my next two choices , I wanted to be a bit quirky . The first is Lehua Kamalu , a member of the Polynesian Voyaging Society . They build Polynesian canoes and sail them thousands of miles across the Pacific using only the stars and nature for navigation . She would be a key member of my team .
The second person is Sarah Marquis , a Swiss explorer and author of Wild by Nature . She undertook a remarkable
24 October 2024