FinTech Magazine December 2019 | Page 16

16 easy as possible for an honest customer and as hard as possible for a dishonest customer ’, and that became the first Harry Potter problem .”
Testament to the innovative spirit that drives L & G , a solution was in production within a remarkable six weeks . Graeme Findlay , Innovation Delivery Director , elaborates : “ There ’ s a really nice dichotomy in the product from an insurance perspective , in making the act of claiming easy for the genuine and hard for the disingenuous . SmartClaim was born in just six weeks from start to finish , and that ’ s for a full serverless solution that is chat-bot based , uses AI and image recognition to validate the claims and learns as it works to improve fraud detection . The solution won the best claim technology of the year award last year and our Net Promoter Score ( NPS ) went from negative to 90 , which is pretty close to perfect .”
The success of SmartClaim marked the turning point for L & G ’ s digital transformation journey . According to Ectors , the overriding sentiment in the