FinTech Magazine July 2024 | Page 226

area are advancing all the time . My goal is to create and implement a strategy that enables OneFamily to use these new technologies in a way that benefits our customers and makes life as easy for them as possible . For example , we use speech analytics to review the calls we receive and improve our understanding of where our customers may need a little more support during our conversations with them .
“ We ’ ve always recorded our calls but having them transformed into text means we can now search for trends and closely analyse what ’ s really happening to identify any improvements we can make . This has not only led to better experiences when people speak to us over the phone , but it has also allowed us to update our web pages with the information customers are looking for . That simply can ’ t be done to the same extent with thousands of hours of audio recordings , but speech analytics makes it possible .”
OneFamily is the biggest child trust fund provider in the UK , holding over 25 % of the market . With funds maturing when account holders turn 18 , the organisation was faced with a challenge to make the process as accessible as possible for thousands of young people . It has embraced digital technology to support these customers , by employing a biometric app to guide them through the identification and verification process . Steve said : “ We recognised this generation would be more comfortable using their phones to supply their documents and verify their identity ,

“ In time , we see our chatbot potentially offering customers a richer experience as we start to explore the capabilities of generative AI ”

rather than having to go through the traditionally cumbersome process of providing certified copies of everything . The app we use is secure and convenient , putting the customer rather than the process first .”
Similarly , younger customers like using OneFamily ’ s chatbot feature , as it ’ s quick , efficient and gives them the information that they need instantly . It ’ s also useful in spotting trends in customers ’ requests , which the organisation learns from to provide ongoing improvements to the way it communicates .
Steve said : “ In time , we see our chatbot potentially offering customers a richer experience as we start to explore the capabilities of generative AI .
“ We ’ re also using AI in our Knowledge Management System , which is a tool our teams use to find what they need from our process and procedures guides . Being able to quickly find the information they need means a better service for our
226 July 2024