FinTech Magazine June 2020 | Page 21

platform – the company as a whole is actively transitioning to the cloud . Gathering , analysing and presenting that data to advisors and clients forms one of the company ’ s biggest technological challenges . “ We ’ re looking to evolve how we gather the information in a way that is easier and more consolidated in one location . From there , we can slice and dice it any way we want and structure it accordingly to make it meaningful ,” Ngeth states . In the digital era , where data is king , knowing how to extract value from it and use historical

Inthida Ngeth

Title : Vice President , Operations Location : Toronto , Canada
Inthida Ngeth is Vice President of Operations at PPI Benefits . She oversees P & L performance across divisions and leads all facets of operations .
As a value builder and connector , Inthida thrives on bringing vision , ideas , and people together to create new potential . With 15 years of experience across the insurance , tech , consulting and telecom sectors , she has led organisations and teams to exceptional growth , by leveraging her diverse operational , marketing and strategic background to deliver impactful results and create customer-first solutions and services .
Passionate about helping others develop and succeed , Inthida is a coach and mentor , and serves as an advisor for a portfolio of emerging startups . She is also an active champion for diversity and inclusion and the advancement of women in leadership .
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