FinTech Magazine - November 2022 | Page 50



Mortgages : a customer-first digital strategy
So , my background is quite varied – but deliberately so .”
At Kensington Mortgages , he oversees a full spectrum of operational , digital , data and technology-related functions that make up about two-thirds of the organisation ’ s headcount and budget . It ’ s a sizeable undertaking that also includes partnerships and business change – but a role that actually didn ’ t exist until Foulsham took it up in June 2019 . He wasn ’ t the only new face in the business , either . When Foulsham joined , Chief Executive Mark Arnold was little more than a year into the job . Together with the wider executive team , they have “ turbocharged ” Kensington ’ s strategy , reinforcing its position as the UK ’ s leading specialist provider of mortgages that operates where big-bank lenders struggle to reach .
“ The company has been going for 27 years but we ’ ve changed quite a

1995 Year Founded

lot over that period ,” Foulsham says . “ We are essentially providing mortgages for people who don ' t necessarily have the right fit of products provided to them by high-street lenders .
“ We are actively pioneering in our approach within an industry that continues to be ripe for transformation and disruption ; society and customers ’ needs continue to evolve to demand more tailored solutions and we are constantly adapting to meet this growing demand . We ' ve led a number of firsttime initiatives , including a real focus on ESG – Kensington were the first to complete a green bond securitisation in the UK mortgage market , for instance .
Consumer understanding helps Kensington offer tailored products
At the heart of Kensington ’ s strategy of specialism is tailoring
50 November 2022