FinTech Magazine - November 2022 | Page 51

KENSINGTON MORTGAGES products to their customers ’ individual circumstances . The company prides itself on offering mortgages for those on variable incomes , like sole traders or the selfemployed , who have specific lending needs . In particular , it offers a ‘ Flexi Fixed For Term mortgage ’ that provides certainty of rates to customers in an increasing interest rate environment .
Kensington understands that mortgages are not the sort of product that fit everybody equally . Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach , it invests a great deal of time , analysis and engagement to understand its customers . It ’ s something that requires empathy – but thankfully , Foulsham can rely on his three adult children , who are of an age to be taking their first steps onto the property ladder . “ They provide a great source for challenging my thinking about a generation that ’ s our future customer base ,” he says .
“ The large banks are not as nuanced when it comes to connecting the needs of customers with the services and products that they provide ,” Foulsham continues . “ At Kensington , we have a ‘ head-and-heart lending ’ mentality , where we use data to provide insight and information but we still make sure that customers ’ payment arrangements are at the right level of affordability , or that the right products are tailored for customers . It ’ s


Mark has more than 30 years ’ experience in driving transformative change and digital innovation within various sectors , most recently Financial Services . He has primarily worked with Fintechs , start-ups and digitally led organisations , in particular those aiming to pioneer market-leading initiatives . He joined Kensington in 2019 taking on the role of Chief Operation Officer , responsible for Lending Operations , Servicing , Technology , Change and Procurement . His prior roles have included leading similar functions for esure , GoCompare , Macquarie Bank and Bouygues . Mark sits on advisory Boards for Winmark and CIONET , has authored books on data protection and has been a Non-Executive Director for cloud-solutions business , Cobweb .
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