YANKI ONEN from ‘ growth at all costs ’ to ‘ sustainable growth ’ with an emphasis on the longevity of their investments .”
However , Yanki also sees a silver lining in this more cautious approach : “ There is , however , an upside to risk-averse and cautious investing . Businesses that gain investment during economic downturns can have confidence that they are expected to do well in the future .”
Resilience and opportunity amid adversity Despite the funding crunch , the fintech industry has demonstrated remarkable resilience . This resilience speaks to the enduring appeal of fintech innovations and the sector ’ s potential for long-term growth . Nicolai sees this challenging period as an opportunity for innovation and growth .
“ The slowdown in funding may act as a catalyst for innovation ,” he says “ driving the strongest and most adaptable fintechs to the forefront of the industry . It will encourage less competitive players to reassess their offerings , potentially leading to market consolidation where only the most robust companies survive and thrive .”
Ivan adds : “ Genuinely sustainable fintech firms have continued to thrive . This decline represents a healthy regression to the norm , paving the way for the best companies to thrive , increased mergers , acquisitions and acqui-hires as the sector matures , and redistribution of talent to where they are most valuable .” fintechmagazine . com 163