FinTech Magazine October 2023 | Page 51

uncertainty around the election of a new European Parliament in 2024 , with far-right candidates gaining traction in recent months .
Could far-right candidates , if successful , reshape the European landscape for climate policy and lead to a more conservative Brussels ?
This adds to today ’ s economic picture of disparity and uncertainty . The changeability of political policy and shifting trade allegiances , alongside a lag in the pinch on credit , and a divergence between bonds and equities points to an uncertain economic outlook , one which could unpredictably affect FX rates globally .
Most forward-looking indicators – like the Purchasing Managers Index , the Conference Board ’ s Economic Index , and yield curves across government bonds – point to high recession probabilities in
2024 , while backward-looking indicators continue to perform well .
The last four recessions have been preceded by circumstances that are currently in place , such as tighter US Federal Reserve monetary policy , the New York Federal Reserve ’ s recession probability indicator rising above 30 %, the Conference Board ’ s US Leading Economic Index falling below -5 , over 50 % of US bond yield curves inverting , and the US ’ CEO Confidence Index falling below the key 40 threshold . Nevertheless , consumer spending has remained resilient and global stocks have appreciated , with the Nasdaq surging .

So , amid the divergence and uncertainty today , what outcomes should we expect in 2024 , and how could these potential outcomes affect FX rates ? Get a copy of our full report : Are you ready for 2024 ?

In our full report , we ’ ll provide an even more comprehensive outlook for 2024 , looking at how key markets will be affected in our FX rates analysis and forecast scenarios and recommendations for crossborder businesses looking to successfully navigate international trade as we enter 2024 . Register here to receive a copy of our full report , launching at Money2020 US on October 23rd .
Are you ready for 2024 ?
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