FinTech Magazine - September 2021 | Page 64

generations have wanted , but they are more comfortable switching employers to get it .” Banks inherently have large organisations full of interesting career paths and diverse roles . Ultimately , she suggests giving employees the chance to work in a new division or designing a new role inside the bank rather than forcing them to look elsewhere .
A change has got to come In more ways than just leadership , banking is standing at a crossroads of great historic importance , and the time for choosing a direction is fading fast . In Fiore ’ s view , transformational leadership will be all about recalibrating the sector for a truly people- centric approach . “ To ensure that vital digital services remain up and running , leaders must do everything possible to protect missioncritical talent . By showing their support now , companies can create goodwill that will carry over to when better times return .” As physical branches continue to close and agile digital teams begin to gain greater prominence , the demand for managerial ‘ soft skills ’ to coordinate collaborations and partnerships in remote settings is likely to increase .
Meanwhile , Desai more specifically points to empowering middle management as the crux of a successful transition . “ When the top 100 middle managers understand why the transformation needs to happen , you
64 September 2021